All schoolchildren will shout with joy. Very good news. From now on… Dear parents, be informed

What I’m writing now, I know that it will definitely not be understood, but I’m writing because I consider it

more important to point out the fact of people’s strength and vitality than the criticism that could be. He posted about this on his Facebook page Education, Science, Culture

and Zhanna Andreasyan, deputy minister of immigration. «The voluntary certification of the Armenian language was held today. Teachers also came for certification in Vayots Dzor, Syunik and Gegharkunik. Despite all the problems and the situation, people found strength in themselves and came. Yeghegnadzor

I had the opportunity to see how strong our teachers are, if only by the fact that they came, focused in this situation, and set an example with their behavior. I want to thank you. This, I am sure, is an equally important lesson for your students. I know that the lessons are at school today

are not easy at all, but they also become an environment for mutual help, psychological support, and value education. If our teachers find the strength and determination to do what they plan and do, the rest of us just have to follow them,» he said.

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