Let’s change the colorful colors of the tricolor and make it black, because black visually makes the face

slimmer. Let’s show the world that… Shogh Movsisyan
Shogh Movsisyan writes: Let’s change the colorful colors of our tricolor and make it black, because black visually slims the face. Let’s show the world that we broke down and gave up ours
from sovereignty, from our independence, we de facto gave our sovereignty to a foreigner for thirty years, with property in exchange for debt, now let’s confirm our gubernia status. Come on

Let’s not dare to take our heads down, let’s hang our heads, let’s not take our eyes off our shoes, the truth is yes, and once again, let’s continue to divide and divide, so that it will be easier for us to divide and rule.
Let’s change the colorful colors of the tricolor and make it black, because black visually makes the face slimmer. Let’s show the world that… Shogh Movsisyan