Today once again Nikol showed the world that he does not need a homeland, that he does not need

dignity. I can confidently say that if the boys resting in Yerablur miraculously came to life, they would speak for him.
They would talk and tell with what efforts, blood and sweat, with what faith and with what blood they waged a liberation struggle in the first victorious Artsakh war, which Nikol and his treacherous network sold to the Turks. The policemen and mercenaries, pushing, hitting and throwing down the parents of the dead boys and the war veterans, opened the way for the treacherous landlord to defile the holy Yrablur with his presence.
It was a day of national shame. Yes, the rally called by the «Movement for the Salvation of the Fatherland» was also held today, no one came here under the words of the police and shame. Everyone here is a decent citizen who does not accept the treacherous politics conducted by Nicole.
Here, I would like to draw your attention to the speech of PAP leader Gagik Tsarukyan, during which he quite accurately described the situation in the country. «I want to be honest with you, to tell the truth. It has never happened that I lied like today’s government, that they only lied for 2.5 years.»
Dear reader, even a person with the most primitive thinking understands that in order to silence Mr. Tsarukyan, political persecution was started against him. «I was arrested. I announced that day that by arresting me you will not solve the country’s problems, you will not improve the condition of the people, you will not cure the epidemic, you will not solve the problem of Artsakh. And they deliberately took such a loss.»

Gagik Tsarukyan is also truthful in the matter that yes, four months ago it was possible to stop the war, nothing is impossible, but they didn’t do anything, instead they thought about that failure, the war, the losses. «I have said that they do not possess, they are not able to organize, the path they have taken, the experience… all have failed.»
He reminded that he once said that there will come a time when people will not have enough money to buy bread. «Today, that time is coming, the dram is devaluing, everything is becoming more expensive, but people’s benefits and pensions are the same.»
In the end, there is only one way out: THE TRAITOR SHOULD LEAVE A