She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 67, now the baby has grown up and pleases her mother successfully

Adriana Iliescu’s story is certainly an exceptional account and demonstrates how much medical science has advanced in the field of assisted reproduction. However, as you mentioned, this situation is not without controversy and ethical debate.

It’s clear that Adriana loves her daughter deeply and is doing everything in her power to support her and provide for her future. Moreover, it is encouraging to hear that his daughter, Eliza, is thriving and is particularly gifted in the field of exact sciences.

However, Adriana’s advanced age at the time of her daughter’s birth raises difficult questions about the limits of assisted reproduction, the ethics of late motherhood and the proper consideration of the interests of the child.

It is important to discuss these issues thoroughly and respectfully, taking into account all perspectives, including those of society, parents, health professionals, ethicists and, of course, children themselves. .

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