Mother of 10 boys at age 38. How does the woman manage to be a heroic mother

Alexis Brett’s situation is certainly impressive. Raising ten children, mostly all boys, is a daunting task. This not only requires great stamina, but also impeccable time management and organization.

However, your question raised at the end is very relevant. Including older children in household chores is not only beneficial for the mother, but it is also an important step in raising the child. It is important that children learn to take on age-appropriate responsibilities. This can include simple tasks like putting away their toys, helping with meal preparation, or assisting with light cleaning duties.

Children’s participation in household chores allows them to develop essential life skills, including organization, time management, and responsibility. Additionally, it can also instill a sense of empathy and appreciation for the work of others.

For Alexis, the current situation may seem manageable, but in the long term, it would be beneficial for her and her children to gradually introduce more shared responsibilities. It could also give Alexis some time for herself, which is crucial for her well-being.

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