Turmeric and pepper are indeed known for their potential positive effects on vascular health and blood circulation. However, it is important to remember that any change in diet and exercise should be discussed with your doctor, especially if you have any existing medical problems or medications.
The turmeric and pepper drink recipe should be used with caution as some people may be intolerant or allergic to these ingredients. If you have no contraindications and want to try this drink, follow the preparation instructions:

1 teaspoon turmeric.
A pinch of red or black pepper.
1 glass of milk.
Preparation and use:
Add turmeric and red or black pepper to warm milk.
Mix the ingredients well.
Drink this drink 1-2 times a day, 200 ml.
If desired, add a teaspoon of honey to improve the taste.
In addition to this drink, it is recommended to take walks and exercise to maintain healthy blood vessels and improve blood circulation. But again, before starting a new diet or physical activity, check with your doctor to make sure it’s safe and right for you.