«2018 They didn’t call me back until the end of the day, I don’t know why they are accusing Serzh Sargsyan now,» said announcer Silva Hambardspumyan in an interview with Civic.am.

It should be noted that, based on the testimony of Mr. Silva Hambardzpumyan, the current defendants in the 2018 criminal case are Robert Kpcharyan, the second president of the Republic of Armenia, and Armen Gevprgian, the former secretary of the Republic of Armenia. And Serzh Sargsyan, the third president of the Republic of Armenia, was not indicted in this case, but today it was found out that he was also included as an accused and invited to the conference later.
To remind, Marina Ohanjanyan, press secretary of the President of the Hshkakpruppuptsip Committee, in an interview with Civic.am, confirmed the information that Serzh Sargsyan was summoned to the Committee as a suspect after the incident.

Earlier, Serzh Sargsyan’s lawyer Amram Makinyan, referring to the notification of Serzh Sargsyan’s social media invitation, posted on his Facebook page: «And the irony is that after three and a half years, Silva’s testimony was «surprised» today, because he also slandered Serzh Sargsyan, and this is in the case when the fact was revealed two years ago, Serzh Sargsyan became a witness, and to this day, no such phenomenon has escaped or increased in real terms…».
Silva Hambardzpmyan mentioned in the conversation with us, in his statement, that in 2008 he gave 7 million dolars to Robert Kapcharyan, Serzh Sargsyan and Armen Gevprgian, so that the latter would not interfere with his business deal with the Arabs.