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Dear followers, we present to your attention the interview of astrologer, chronologist Lypusya Hakpbyan on Bac TV.

In Armenia, after the 44-day war of 2020, political forces and a section of the public protested Nikple Pashinyan’s ceasefire.

However, astrologer Lpusya Hakpbyan has other predictions related to Nikpl Pashinyan’s tenure. He says that the universe is a miracle.

Moreover, our interlocutor hastened to inform that what happened in 2020 will not happen this year.

Astrologer Lypusya Hakpbyan detailed what awaits us in 2022 at the booth.

«The year 2022 is considered to be the year of the fish with Jupiter, it is a mystical and very strong year. A special period is beginning in April, many people think there is progress in work,» said the astrologer.

According to Lypusya Hakpbyan, the year is a lucky year, because Jesus is appointed as the king of fishes, and it is not just that Jesus was little among fishes. According to him, the year is considered to be the year of law, many things will come to the surface, they will escape, and everyone will get their reward.

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