Before that, a little information Armenians, an ethnic group, originated and lives in the Armenian Highlands and the South Caucasus.

Armenians constitute the majority in the Republics of Armenia and the de facto independent Artsakh Republic. Armenians are scattered all over the world and have a diaspora of 6-8 million people, while the Armenians always or from time to time live outside the borders of Armenia.

The largest centers of the Armenian diaspora are Russia, the United States of America, France, Georgia, Iran, Germany, Ukraine, Lebanon, Brazil and Syria. Among the settlements of Iran and the former democratic countries, the rest of the settlements were mainly created as a result of the ethnic cleansing of the Armenians.

It is divided into two parts: Eastern Armenian and Western Armenian. The Eastern Armenian language is spread in Armenia, Artsakh, Iran and post-revolutionary countries, while the Western Armenian language was used in the historical Western Armenia, and now it is spoken in the highlands that arose during the tribal crisis. The Armenian script was created by Mesrpp Mashtts in 405.