The interlocutor of «Zhoghovurd» daily newspaper is Lusine Kirakosyan, an actress of theater, cinema,

television, honored artist of RA, winner of «Artavazd» award. In a conversation with «Zhoghovurd» daily, the actress touched on a number of internal political issues.
«I am a person given by God, I even receive information from above. The end of our country will be very good. Kocharyan’s release is temporary. Kocharyan has no right to be free, the murder in front of our theater is still in front of my eyes. All murderers should be punished before the law,» he said.

In her conversation with us, the actress emphasizes that she has never been interested in politics, because what is happening in our country now cannot leave her indifferent.
«I was never interested in politics before, but now that I see what the situation is in the country, you are getting into it regardless of your will. Everyone should suffer their punishments, if the people don’t judge, God will do it, but there is another closed policy here, which we don’t know, it is secret, for some purposes, some things are happening.
Can we wait? I know that by distributing money, they gathered votes from the people, with the money stolen from the people, and some people graze that money like sheep, it’s already a shame. In 1988, when the earthquake happened, everything changed, the Sumgait massacre took place, revolutions, the collapse of the Soviet Union, dark and cold years. why is that not taken into account? All of them should be brought in the middle,» he notes.
According to the RA honored actress, today everyone in our country has become critics and commentators.
«The whole of Armenia is busy with gossip, we don’t appreciate anything good, we see bad in every good thing, there are many renegades who eat. A person should look at himself first, then he can criticize the other person. However, I hope that we will overcome everything. Why do you attack the Prime Minister, why don’t you help the person to get out of this dirt, we have come out a lot, but my feet are very stuck, even if we have to go out barefoot, we have to live freely and with respect for each other.»
According to Lusine Kirakosyan, only unity can bring the country out of this situation.