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At least this stage worm is aware that his brother… got rich at the expense of the army and soldiers’ lives and has a cool castle when thousands of officers don’t have a home.

Натисніть, щоб скопіювати буфер обміну

At least this stage worm knows that his brother… I got rich at the expense of the army and soldiers’ lives

Натисніть, щоб скопіювати буфер обміну

and he has a cool castle when thousands of officers don’t have a house. At least this stage worm is aware that his brother…

I got rich at the expense of the army and soldiers’ lives, and he has a cool castle when thousands of officers don’t have a house. At least this stage worm knows that his brother… I got rich at the expense of the army and soldiers’ lives and he has a cool castle when thousands of officers don’t have a house.

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