This girl has a special handwriting. It won an award as the most beautiful handwriting medium in the world

The story of Pakriti Malla, a 14-year-old student from Nepal, is truly inspiring. Her incredible talent in calligraphy shows how beautiful and impressive the art of handwriting can be. The precision of his calligraphy, which almost looks like printed text, is a real feat, especially in an era where handwriting is less and less used due to technology.

Pakriti’s recognition by her country’s government is an indication of the importance we should all place on preserving and celebrating the art of handwriting. Her ability to produce such beautiful, symmetrical handwriting is a reminder of the beauty and artistry that can be found in the simplest things in life, like handwriting.

The suggestion that Microsoft Office might use Pakriti’s handwriting as a new font for its programs is an acknowledgment of the perfection of its calligraphy. It’s a great tribute to his talent and hard work.

Pakriti’s winning of the «World’s Best Handwriting» award in 2017 is another testament to her incredible talent. She is an inspiring example for children learning to write, showing them that with practice and dedication, they can reach a level of mastery in calligraphy.

Ultimately, the story of Pakriti Malla reminds us of the importance of perseverance, dedication and love of art even in everyday activities like writing. Her talent is a reminder that art isn’t always something big or spectacular, but can be found in the smallest and most mundane details of life.

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